Flat Earth Sun Never Sets

I will use simple geometry to prove that the sun never sets on a flat earth.

First we need dimensions.

We will start with the simplest configuration. The sun on Sept 22, which is when it is directly over someone standing on the Equator.

The height of the sun, which is in the Firmament, is 6000 km. Flat earthers cant pin that down, but seems to be around the correct assumed height.

On a side note. if the Firmament is a dome over the earth, then the Firmament would touch the ice wall on the edge of the earth. Reminds me of that Star Trek episode For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky

Someone starting on the North Pole on Sept 22nd would see the sun at a height of 30 degrees above the horizon. That’s one third of the way up the sky.’

More importantly it would STAY THERE all day as if progresses across the sky in a 360 degree motion. Except that NEVER happens. Why? Because the planet is a sphere tilted 23.5 degrees.

Here’s another debunking of the flat earth. Go to the middle of the Pacific Ocean at the equator on noon of Sept 22nd when the sun would be directly over head.

What we see is the sun rising exactly from the east from the horizon, and setting exactly to the west below the horizon.

But on a flat earth their sun would never set. You will still see the sun at midnight, just lower on the horizon.

Here’s the dimentions.

Using those distances and the 6000 km height of the sun we can use this site to give us the angles.

To give you a perspective, 16.7 degrees above the horizon is the same as the peak of the roof of a single story house as seen from 100 feet away.

Plus, with a sun of 50 kilometers in size, so they claim, at midnight the sun would look less than half the size. That never happens.

On a flat earth the sun never sets. Flat earth is debunked.

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